It's no secret that a regular yoga practice can benefit your mental and physical health. In this blog post we list our five top benefits of yoga so read on to discover what yoga can do for you!

Various breathing techniques practiced during a yoga class allows the body to deeply relax creating a sense of calm. Belly breathing in particular stimulates the vagus nerve and puts us into a deep state of relaxation.
Controlled breathing, and in particular, exhaling for longer than you inhale, helps to activate our parasympathetic nervous system which can help to reduce feelings of anxiety.
Standing poses, arm balances and core work can all help to improve your overall strength. With virtually zero impact, a regular yoga practice can help to strengthen your entire body preventing injuries.

Holding poses for longer than a minute can really help to improve your flexibility. Areas such as your hips, hamstrings, adductors and glutes are really important areas to stretch regularly and as a result, can help to reduce lower back pain.
Various poses in a typical yoga class can help to improve your mobility and range of motion. The more mobile your body is the better it can move and react to everyday life. Running, jumping, walking and lifting will seem easier and you'll be less susceptible to injuries.
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